Code of Conduct

Our Guiding Vision:  All learners will be able to develop their unique self and their capacity, and contribute to community through continuous cycles of inquiry.

Behavioral Expectations and Supports

Students, teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, counselors, and members of the local community all contribute to each student’s success. All members of the school community—students, staff, and parents—must know, understand and follow the standards of behavior to which such individuals are expected to abide by. They must also know and understand the possible consequences, if these standards are not followed. This document provides descriptions of conduct that meet the standards of behavior expected of Ulster BOCES students, and it also outlines conduct that does not meet these standards. It includes ranges of supports and interventions and also permissible disciplinary responses that schools may use to address misconduct. Additionally, this document presents the ways in which each adult can help the community and the student restore their relationship when it becomes impaired.
It is essential that schools set aside time to review with students these standards of behavior. All students, regardless of age, should be engaged in discussion of the school community’s expectations and should be active participants in creating classroom “ground rules” for their behavior. Equally imperative, all school faculty and staff must affirm clear and consistent behavioral expectations that set the tone for a safe, orderly, and respectful school community. School faculty and staff must be firm, fair, and consistent in addressing student behavior in a manner that enables students to learn from their mistakes and be accountable for their misconduct.


Approved by the Ulster BOCES Board of Education: August 26, 2020


Table of Contents

Click on the tab to read relevant information in that section of the Code of Conduct. If you wish to have a hard copy of the document, you can download a printable Code of Conduct (PDF) here.

Ulster BOCES does not discriminate. View our policies here

NOTE: It is beyond the scope of this document to identify all potentially relevant state laws, rules, or regulations and School Board policies that may apply to a specific disciplinary case. Therefore, this publication of the Behavioral Expectations and Supports is not an exhaustive representation of every possible example of inappropriate behavior for which a student may receive a disciplinary consequence. However, it does represent a good faith effort to address the more frequently observed behaviors of students generally.

Code of Conduct Committee

The Ulster County BOCES Code of Conduct was developed, reviewed, and/or revised by the following committee members:

Maura Albertson 
Jill Berardi
Sarah Dudley-Lemek
Peter Harris
Richard Haviland
Gwen Kramer-Gold
Joseph Salamone
Jonah M. Schenker
Amy Storenski
Barbara Tischler Hastie 

Teachers/Related Staff/TA Representatives:
Dawn Appollonia
Jennifer Blackmon
Michael Brady
Christina Droney
Corrine Geasor
Matthew Leifeld
Elise Macur
Steve Masson 
Laura Passaretti
David Rosenberg
Julianne Ross-Kleinmann
Taima Smith
Michelle Rosu

Community Members/Parents:
Jodi Clemente
Helen Edgar
Claudia Small
Ian Winter

Higher Education Representative:
Christopher Marx