Jensen Learning
Jensen Learning provides cutting-edge, brain-based, and evidence driven trainings you can use to immediately boost staff capacity, student learning, and raise leadership performance.
Dr. Eric Jensen Eric Jensen is a former teacher and educational leader who grew up in San Diego, California. Jensen’s M.A. is in Organizational Development and his Ph.D. is in Human Development.
For over two decades he has synthesized brain research and developed practical applications for educators. Jensen has authored over 29 books including 3 bestsellers. His books include, Teaching with Poverty in Mind, Tools for Engagement, Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, Turnaround Tools for the Teenage Brain, Poor Students Rich Students and Different Brains, Different Learners.
Jensen is a member of the invitation-only Society for Neuroscience, the President’s Club at Salk Institute of Biological Studies, and the New York Academy of Sciences.
Jensen is a difference-maker, named one the top 30 global gurus in education. He co-founded and led four million-dollar companies including the first and largest brain-compatible academic enrichment program. SuperCamp is now held in 16 countries with over 65,000 graduates.