Educational Technology
Co-Ser 525
Educational Technology [Base Service]
Co-Ser 525.000
Ulster BOCES facilitates regional and countywide planning for and the integration of technology that ensures Ulster County schools have the capacity to remain on the cutting edge.
The Ulster County Schools Technology Infrastructure was developed and is maintained through a partnership with all Ulster County school districts. This broadband capacity provides an economical and efficient method to access instructional and management resources to support learning and school systems.
This service provides school districts with assistance in making informed choices and decisions on how technology can best be utilized. Through this service, technology plan development and alignment of curriculum, assessment, and instruction to technology is facilitated. Planning, analysis, and recommended approval to SED are included. Leadership for school districts to plan, implement, upgrade, and maintain technology in the schools is provided. This includes assistance with budget planning, hardware and software procurement, equipment lifecycle management for purchases made through Ulster BOCES, as well as E-Rate and SmartSchools Bond Act support. Access to negotiated statewide instructional contracts, cooperative bids, and listservs is provided, as well as facilitation of SED initiatives.
The Base Service includes access to the Ed Tech Service Desk, which facilitates technical assistance, available through this Co-Ser’s extensions, for infrastructure, district networks, library automation, and Virtual Learning services. The Service Desk maintains a centralized database and disseminates pertinent information for quick responses. Access to bridging technology brings multiple sites together for meetings and instruction.
The Ulster Countywide Educational Technology Work Group for district technology leaders provides a forum to share expertise and expand technology applications for the Ulster County districts. Districts must participate in the Base Service to have access to Educational Technology extensions.
As required by the State Education Department, all districts participating in the Educational Technology
Co-Ser 525 must also belong to the Model Schools Co-Ser 535.
Technical LAN Support [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.002
This extension provides technical support and maintenance for designated applications. For example, this service is required for Co-Ser 514 (if the district is not already receiving support through an On-Site Support
Specialist II). Trained technicians provide subscribing districts with Service Desk support, on-site diagnosis, and problem resolution to ensure maximum productivity and minimum down-time of applications. District-owned networks must comply with Ulster BOCES requirements. This is a required service for Co-Ser 514 if On-Site Support Specialist Level II is not purchased.
Shared On-Site Technical Support [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.003
Ulster BOCES hires and assigns staff members to work in-district to support district technology systems. The
use of differentiated staffing is recommended. Districts need to specify requests for Technician, Specialist I,
Specialist II, and Coordinator level of support. Up to a .6 FTE may be requested.
Frontline pmls/eem (formerly MyLearningPlan/OASYS) [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.004
This online registration and database program allows districts to manage staff involvement in professional growth activities, including curriculum work, and to track participation. Districts can generate reports. Once the district has paid the configuration fee, an annual fee is charged. EEM (Employee Evaluation Manager) provides the framework for APPR recordkeeping, including observation, evidence, scheduling, and reports. An annual user group meeting is offered to districts.
Internet Access [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.005
This service provides Ulster County districts with high speed Internet access over the Ulster County infrastructure. This Internet access was leveraged through a four-county consortium that achieves economies of scale for all participants. Districts may increase their Internet bandwidth capacity beyond the base level at an additional cost. Also included in the base Internet service is DDoS, which provides mitigation and support to districts on the Ulster County infrastructure in the event of a DDoS attack.
Ulster County Infrastructure - Connectivity Support [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.006
This service ensures the functionality of the Ulster County Infrastructure Technology. Ulster BOCES Ed Tech provides maintenance and support for network infrastructure, including switches, firewalls, IPS, etc. To be in compliance with Federal and New York State regulations, districts are required to have an Internet content filtering system. Base-level filtering will be provided through the Ed Tech NOC. Additionally, Ulster BOCES Ed Tech liaisons with the Internet service provider and the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center (MHRIC) to support Internet access. As part of this service, districts have access to network analysis reports. The level of detail on reports is dependent upon firewall configurations. Customized reports may be requested. Ulster BOCES Ed Tech will assist with analysis of reports upon request. This is a required companion service to the MHRIC’s Wide Area Network (WAN) service.
Maintenance [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.007
This service covers district-specific maintenance agreements on equipment and system software licensing purchased through Ed Tech. The cost varies based on each district’s maintenance agreements.
Installment Purchasing Agreements (IPA) [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.008
This service is for equipment agreements purchased through Ed Tech in multi-year contracts. The cost is based on the terms of agreements.
District Equipment Purchase [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.009
A district may designate an amount for equipment purchases either by putting it in the final service request or through budget amendments. Purchases are leveraged through volume procurement. The amount is determined by each district’s needs.
customized Filtering [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.012
Ulster BOCES Ed Tech will provide and support customized traffic filtering as requested by the district. The program filters specific categories that can be blocked and unblocked. Each district makes the final decisions on its filtering categories. The temporary or long-term decision to unblock a site is made by a designated administrator. Implementation and service desk support are included. This service requires participation in Co-Ser 525.005 and 525.006.
District Voice System [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.014
This service provides districts with consultation, design, project management, and installation of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system.
In addition, districts may purchase ongoing support for the VoIP system utilizing Ulster County Infrastructure and the centralized data center. This includes:
- Voice system management tasks including additions, moves, and changes related to voicemail boxes and user phone extensions.
- Monitoring.
- Reporting, maintaining automated system services, 911 emergency reporting, and remote monitoring for key devices in the VoIP system.
Cisco is the VoIP system supported by this Co-Ser. Annual hardware and software maintenance is required. Basic global features are included in the original installation. Districts that participate in this service have the ability to set up Informacast (mass notification system for emergencies). The cost for implementation of this service varies based on each district’s needs.
Shared SIP Trunking Service
Co-Ser 525.014.002
This service is offered to provide districts with a cost-effective alternative to PRI and POTS lines. We utilize several shared SIP trunks for inbound and outbound calls.
Virtual Learning Technical Support [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.015
Ulster BOCES Ed Tech provides and maintains the technology that facilitates and supports virtual learning opportunities as well as Educational Media. In addition, streaming or archiving IP videoconferencing, multi-site voice, and/or video interaction is included. This technology has become the foundation of the Educational Media Service Co-Ser 501 and Model Schools: Virtual Learning Co-Ser 415. Ed Tech works with districts to ensure effective connectivity. Professional learning courses, virtual field trips, and other activities that utilize this technology are available through other Co-Sers. Access to troubleshooting on district-owned virtual learning is available. Participation in this service is required to be a part of the Model Schools: Virtual Learning Co-Ser 415 and Educational Media Co-Ser 501.000.
Printer/Copier Support [Extension]
Co-Ser 525.018
This service supports districts with network printer/copier planning, purchasing, installation, and maintenance.
Remote Network Monitoring [Extension]
co-ser 525.021
Utilizing the Ulster County Infrastructure, a 24/7 proactive remote monitoring with a notification system for districts’ managed networking equipment (routers and switches) and Uninterruptable Power Supplies is provided. Also included are network infrastructure system health monitoring and performance graphs. Ulster BOCES provides notifications via email to district contacts.. Districts will also have the option of viewing their network status through a user portal. The district is responsible for identifying a district-based person who will be the contact to receive monitoring notifications. Upon subscription, a detailed district technology support assessment will be completed and a Service Level Agreement will be developed to meet the specific needs of the district.
Project-Based Services [Extension]
co-ser 525.024
Through this service, Ulster BOCES can provide project-based work for districts. Projects may include but are not limited to the following:
- Network Design
- Large Scale Device Deployment
- Server and Networking Installation
- Project Management - Network Printer Deployment
- Wireless Infrastructure Planning and Implementation
- Per Diem Technical Support