Industry Challenges

Industry Challenges Connect Students to Employers

This aspect of the educational delivery of the new academy is designed to align student learning with the skills and work ethic sought by manufacturing and logistics companies. Each month the students will meet a new company and tackle a new problem.

Check out a few of the Industry Challenges students have completed in the videos below.


Students at Ulster BOCES Hudson Valley Pathways Academy faced their first industry challenge at the speed of light. Representatives from Selux, an innovative lighting manufacturer in Highland, presented students with a communications problem particular to Selux. Students then brainstormed and presented their plans to representatives at Selux.

Schatz Bearing Corporation

Students at Ulster BOCES Hudson Valley Pathways Academy spend several days working on simulated cases for different business challenges hosted by different manufacturers. Representatives from Schatz Bearing Corporation, a ball bearing manufacturer in Poughkeepsie, presented students with a display board problem. Students then brainstormed and presented new display board plans to executives at Schatz.


Hudson Valley Pathways Academy students took part in a cable industry challenge called the “Last Fifty Feet”, which tasked students with helping to improve a home’s wireless signal (WiFi). Groups of students presented their findings to a panel of top decision makers at Mediacom, which is the eighth largest cable company in the United States. Management was thoroughly impressed with the students’ research, their understanding of the Internet, and their suggestion of creating a video to help inform customers about how they could maximize their WiFi service.